Monday 17 October 2011

Confessions & Apologies…

I haven’t played constructed MTG in at least 3 weeks now. I still don’t have a Standard deck put together, though I finally got most of the cards that I need.

I consider myself as a fair, level headed trader, but I messed up big time this past Friday. There was someone I didn’t know at Imperial Hobbies where I’d gone to trade on Friday and meet new people. He took a LONG time looking through my binder, and when he’d finally found a ton of cards he was interested in and I asked him what he valued them at, he replied: “$20 for it all”. While that wasn’t the WORST offer, I felt that it was a lowball offer, and after all the time that I’d waited for him to finish looking at my binder I was a little frustrated. “I value them a lot higher than that” was my snooty reply as I put the cards back in my binder.

We DID end up doing a small trade later, but I consider myself lucky that it managed to happen. I lost my patience and could have lost a trading partner. I should have at least asked what he valued his cards at, as maybe he all of the cards low, including his own? Maybe I could have just told him: “I value these a little higher, still want to trade?” Instead I pulled a bitch move and could have lost a trading partner forever. I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with a jerk like me! I’m going to have to make it a mission to hunt this guy down next week and make him a good offer to apologize for being such a d-bag :S.

I’m trying to foil out a Werewolf deck so that I can have “double” the normal amount of foils because of the flip cards. I WILL be the foiliest deck out there!

To my girlfriend. I drag her to sooooo many different stores, and while she does complain, she still comes with me… what a trooper! <3

I started buying a few Warhammer figures for the “Daemons of Chaos” faction. I don’t know how much I’ll actually PLAY the game, but I miss painting those little miniatures and Demons look pretty awesome when they’re done! More skulls for the Skull throne! More Blood for the Blood god! Lol.

I showed James Wegg my “Foil Binder” aka the “Make James Wegg Drool” binder. James, I’m sorry that you can no longer dream of anything else, but once Pandora’s binder has been opened, it can never be closed again! :P

I haven’t won a MTGO draft in 3+ weeks. Lots of 2-1’s, but no 3-0’s. Just can’t seem to get there recently. Not that I play a lot, maybe 1-2 times per week MAX, but still… I hunger for a victory!

CTRLmjolnir… I still haven’t given you your prize for the contest I held a month ago… I need your contact information so I can hook you up with that BoP!

I can’t seem to find ANY of my M12 boxes! I had a ton of cards just sitting in 2x open M12 booster boxes and I can’t find EITHER of them! I KNOW that I have a few Angelic Destinies and mythics in there and I want them bad!

To my old G.I. Joes. I’m sorry that my brother and I used to burn your faces off and throw you into bon-fires to melt you. Emperor Palpatine, although you also got thrown into the fires, I do not apologize to you. You’re evil, so you deserved it. (Though I wish I still had you my precious Star Wars figurines from the 80’s!)

Ever since I got my iPhone I’ve tripled my bathroom time. On the plus side, I’m REALLY good at “Cleopatra’s Pyramid” and am level 176 in “King of Trinidor”.

To my cat Tifa, for whatever I did to you that makes you flee in terror at every sign of movement… :*(.

I really want to make a self-mill deck, but don’t want to be “that guy who plays the self-mill deck”.

To my Orgg collection. Not only have I NOT found a new Orgg to add to you in a while, but I also wrote a travesty of a blog post about you here: The True, Uncensored History of Orgg

I once broke the website when I was in computer programming. There was a contest where you vote for what hero you want to win for a crossover called “Contest of Champions”. It was Daredevil vs. Deadpool, and I really liked Deadpool. I viewed their source code (this was > 10 years ago), copied the formula, made my own “submit button” which every time I clicked it would give Deadpool +10 votes. I crashed the site. They re-did the contest and Deadpool won! Yay, take THAT Daredevil!!

For taking you out of your element and making you read things not entirely magic related!

Carl Szalich

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