Wednesday 29 May 2013

STD DEKTEK – Bant Wurm


I gazed lovingly into the beady eyes of the wurm, and it stared back at me with a satisfied expression on its face and a burnt out cigarette clutched between its lips. I leaned in on my dragon-kin mistress and whispered seductively in its ear hole thingy:

“Do you want to watch ‘The Notebook’ tonight, honey?” The violent thrashing of its tail signaled that she was unwilling to cry herself to sleep, and that a romantic comedy was more up her alley.

“Well what do YOU want to do then, my dove?” The wurm smiled a tooth grin and darted out of the $50 per night motel room before I could react. I called after her, but she was out of my view before I could stop her. Was she trying to escape me? Was my performance not up to par?

“Baby nooooooooooooo!” I lamented, but she was gone. All gone. I had nothing left to remember our magical, passionate weekend together except for a broken scale, a pool of slime, and a huge bill for the mini bar.

Deflated, I collapsed in a heap on the dirty, sweaty blankets that were so pristine the night before. I bunched them up in my fists, buried my face in them and sobbed... Oh how I sobbed for the loss of my baby! Then just as the day looked its darkest, I saw something shining in the distance, closing in on me fast. The scene was something out of a Warner Brothers cartoon: A huge corona of dust advancing on the hapless Bugs Bunny. Fight or flight response active, for a minute I was frozen in place, unsure of what to do. I squinted into the sunlight… and could it be? YES! It was my lovely wurm, returned to me with presents hanging from its maw!

The corpse of a knight in full armor! How sweet!
A collection of artifacts, including a Winter Orb! Useful!!
And the piece-de-resistance: A groupon for a weekend in Niagara Falls! WOWZA!!!

My heart melted as wurm coiled me up in her serpentine form and dragged me back into our room to fornicate.

  I like Advent of the Wurm THAT MUCH!


Dragons Maze gave everyone a few new toys, but my favorite colors (G/W) seemed to really get a boost. Advent of the Wurm & Voice of Resurgence are just as incredible as my sexual prowess (Mrs. Wurm can attest to the validity of my claims) and demand to be used in every deck I build from now until rotation.

Looking at the Bant colors I see a few things that really jump out at me:

Thragtusk + Snapcaster Mage + Restoration Angel (Things to Blink)
Snapcaster + Sphinx’s Revelation + Advent of the Wurm (Snapcaster Goodness)
Snapcaster + Restoration Angel + Advent of the Wurm (Flash Creatures)
… And Voice of Resurgence is just insane, is it not?

I guess that means that each of the above is getting a slot or 4, and will look something like this as a skeleton:

4 Thragtusk
3 Restoration Angel
4 Snapcaster Mage
3 Sphinx’s Revelation
4 Advent of the Wurm
4 Voice of Resurgence


The deck basically built itself to within 10-15 cards or so, and it then becomes a decision on how much / which removal / utility creatures to include along with my cream of the crop.

Well, Snapcaster isn’t that great without something to flashback, so we’d better add some more spells. We’re light on removal and conveniently in the colors of the best charms (IMHO), and unsummon plays nice with Snappy for a T3 Snap + play.

X Unsummon
X Selesnya Charm
X Azorious Charm

Now it looks like I’m doing nothing for the first few turns like a control deck that plays creatures, but without an endgame. Aggro will crush me if I don’t have some way to stem the bleeding before hitting 5 for Tusk, so I’m going to need some other way to stabilize. “Daddy Fat Stacks” is always ready to rumble and is undercosted for the beef he brings to the table.

X Loxodon Smiter


Creatures (19)

4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Loxodon Smiter
3 Restoration Angel
4 Thragtusk

It’s beautiful. A pile of the best creatures in standard just decided to have a party and invite everyone!

Snapper is busy chugging 40s and reminiscing the days of Vapor Snag.
Tusk and Voice are having a heated debate about politics over crumpets and tea.
Smiter and Angel are off breeding in a smoke filled back room.

… Reminds me of high school! :)

Spells (16)

3 Unsummon
3 Selesnya Charm
3 Azorious Charm
3 Sphinx’s Revelation
4 Advent of the Wurm

16 spells should give me enough to reliably have Snapcaster meat. I was initially debating trying to squeeze in a Runechanters Pike, up my spell count and run Thoughtscour but the reliability of other choices vs. the cute pike trick won out after testing. T3 pike with no spells in your bin and no bodies onboard is not as good as T3 Smiter with all the aGgro running around. The situational goodness of pike loses to the consistency of fat.

Lands (25)

1 Moorland Haunt
1 Gavony Township
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Breeding Pool
3 Hinterland Harbor
4 Temple Garden
4 Sunpetal Grove

These aren’t the lands you’re looking for. Move along.

Sideboard (15)

3 Rest in Peace (C)
4 Centaur Healer (A)
1 Sphinx’s Revelation (B)
3 Supreme Verdict (A)
2 Jace, Architect of Thought (B)
2 Garruk, Primal Hunter (B)

(A)   = Aggro Package
      (B)   = Control Package
      (C)   = Graveyard Hate

I’m still looking to write that article on how to design a sideboard, but until I do, it’s bush league, baby!

The (supreme) verdict is still out on whether to run Rest in Peace or Tormods Crypt. RiP hurts our deck as well because it blanks Snapcaster, but it’s a more permanent solution than Crypt that prevents them from rebuilding their graveyard.

Jace, Garruk, and the final Sphinx’s Revelation come in against control so that we can also experience the joys of card draw and recover after they wrath the board. Notably absent is counter magic… I don’t feel it’s needed as we’re normally better off playing a threat or just answering theirs with our lucky charms.

The aggro match is only OK, but substituting elephants for Centaur Healers really helps. The addition of 3x Supreme Verdict also lets us play more like a control deck and bumps our removal spells up to 12.


Nope! Instead I converted a cardboard box into a mobile home and decided to hang out under a bridge. :S

I got the chance to try this list last Friday to a disappointing result: 2-2. I don’t think it was so much the deck that failed me, but more the draws. Even with 25 lands main I mulliganed almost every game and STILL didn’t get up to 4 mana consistently.

When it was working, it still felt very underpowered. Sure sometimes you’d get the surprise Wurm blocker and others you’d get to flash it back with a Snapper, but when you weren’t doing that, well, you really weren’t doing much. Could be that I didn’t really make it to 5 mana often enough to experience the joy of dropping Tusks and playing more than one spell a turn.

Even sphinx’s revelation felt dead in my hands with or without the mana to cast it. It just feels too slow right now in such a fast meta. Against blitz decks your T5 sphinx for 2 isn’t very impressive, and midrange decks have their own CA in the form of Garruk and Prime Speaker Zegana. I almost feel that Garruk, Primal Hunter would be a better choice than sphinx because it still draws cards BUT can also generate blockers when you need them. Even Jace, Architect of thought seems better here. For 4cc you can hurt agro (-1 attack) OR draw cards like Sphinx. You don’t directly gain life with this plan, but in a way you do by reducing attackers power.

When I managed to hit the mythical 4 mana mark Advent of the Wurm performed just as I’d hoped, so at least I can’t blame him/her/it for my failure.


It is also unfortunate that I had to end the illicit love affair I’d been having with wurm. She was cute, sure, but kinda bitchy and snobbish. If it didn’t say “Prada”, she wouldn’t wear it. If it couldn’t somehow be related to celebrity gossip, she didn’t want to hear about it. It was always “her way or the highway”, so the highway I chose!

That’s right brothers! High five! :)

… Fine, I admit it! She broke up with me, OK?! There. Are you happy now? When I couldn’t even muster the 4 mana to cast her and placate her unquenchable lust for 4/4 she just up and left without a goodbye or a note.

Typical woman.
(Just don’t tell her I said that!)


Carl Szalich
@psilence6k on Twitter

1 comment:

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