Wednesday 31 August 2011

Finkel, OKCupid & Gizmodo

It's a shocker, I know! Who could have imagined that a red blooded planeswalker like Jon would have interest in anything aside from magic, right? ESPECIALLY a girl!! Our worlds have collided.

By now many of you have probably read the Gizmodo blog about Alyssa Bereznak (a Gawker media employee) and her OK Cupid date with legendary magic player Jon Finkel. For those of you still out of the loop on this trending topic, you can read her "article" here:

(EUGH. It makes me a little bit sick to know that she just earned $$ from your click!)

Seems someone hit a nerve with the online geek community, as backlash has been fierce. Her condescending attitude reminds me of the "plastics" from that Lindsay Lohan movie "Mean Girls". She seems like the type that was popular in high school, and is still trying to hold onto her cool girl rep by putting other people down.

Here is another article for you to written by / for geeky women everywhere to defend Jon and apologize for the public humiliation that wily femme fatale had attempted to heap upon him:

It makes me laugh a little, because I remember (back in the day) when people who read comics and played CCG's were ridiculed by their peers. NOW it seems like we're the ones that all our friends come to when they want to know more about the recent "Batman" or "Captain America" movies! We've gone from martyrs to kings!

Alyssa Bereznak, when the impeding zombie apocalypse finally dawns, you're going to regret not having a geek with a shovel or crowbar to back you up! :P

Carl Szalich

1 comment:

  1. "Alyssa Bereznak, when the impeding zombie apocalypse finally dawns, you're going to regret not having a geek with a shovel or crowbar to back you up! :P"

    She will probably be safe with her athletic BF who I'm sure knows how to swing a bat lol

    It's good to see the MTG community standing up for themselves here. This is a cut and dry case of worlds colliding. She is a pro blogger so of course she will write about it. I, like many people had no idea this game even existed up until about a year ago.

    The most amusing part about this whole story is the guys name is "Finkel" .... "LACES OUT"...FINKEL IS IENHORN...IENHORN IS FINKEL!

    But seriously now, all Ace Ventura jokes aside, some people out there actually know what they want in a person and apparently she was too shallow to accept his monumentis accomplishments in MTG. So she met someone on okcupid and that person turned out to be special..(in their own sort of way) LOL
