Wednesday 28 September 2011

An Apology To Our Girlfriends…

Dear Girlfriend,

I’m sorry I came to bed so late last night. I know we were supposed to watch that romantic comedy together, but the draft was going really well so I didn’t want to drop. I won $5 worth of cards and the respect of my peers, so that makes it OK, right?

I’m sorry that I made you watch that Japanese animation that you hated. I know that you think it’s childish, and that Anime is for chumps and losers, but I really thought you’d like the schoolgirl outfits and tentacles and that they would give you some ideas for Halloween. We DID watch it dubbed instead of subtitled, so that counts for something, right?

I’m sorry that you were excluded from our dinner conversation with my friends. I know you hate it when we talk about our geeky obsessions that you can’t follow, but the newest Magic Card set was just released and it needed to be discussed! I DID cover our tab, so that made your discomfort bearable, didn’t it?

I’m sorry that I spent all of our money on Comic Books. I know we needed that couple hundred to pay bills, but you just don’t see near mint copies of Spiderman from the silver ages anymore so I had to buy them. They are going to go up in value, so it’s an investment in our future, isn’t it?

I’m sorry that you broke up with me. I guess I was too preoccupied with my own shit to realize that you were unhappy and that we needed to make more time for each other. At least you left me my cats and didn’t burn ALL of my clothing, so we can work things out, right?



This Friday I’ll be skipping FNM to head out to Eastside bar and Grill (on Hamilton Rd) to watch an AC/DC cover band called: “For Those About To Rock”. I love magic cards, but I love my GF even more. She’s my Black Lotus! <3

Hobbies are great and I’ve met most of my friends through card shops and common interests, but don’t forget about your significant other who may be staying awake at night waiting for you to come home, only to fall asleep alone and lonely. For those of you WITHOUT girlfriends who complain about not being able to get one, ask if you’re making yourself available to the opportunity or if your obsession with gaming is taking up all of your time.

There is more to life than magic cards and comic books, and sometimes you have to take a step back to examine your priorities.

Don’t let the above letter be one that YOU end up writing! :P

Carl Szalich


Could you please send me an email to:
I’d like to get you your prizes but your Google profiles have no info ;).

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